Epdimiology and Complications of Total Thyroidctomy in Aseer Central Hospital (journal of clinical trials)
Background: Total Thyroidectomy is common procedureamong patients with thyroid disorders including malignancies, thyrotoxicosis, multinodular goiter and chronic thyroiditis. There are many complications that recorded after this procedure which is more related to surgeon experience and nature of disorder. Among these disorders, hematoma, recurrent laryngeal nerve injury and hypocalcaemia are the most frequent. Modern thyroidectomy is focused on the mortality of surgery by preventing damage to adjacent structures, such as parathyroid glands and recurrent laryngeal nerve. Aim of the study: To assess the clinical presentation and post-operative complications among total thyroidectomy cases in Aseer Central Hospital [ACH]. Methodology: A retrospective record based descriptive approach was used through reviewing medical records of all cases that underwent total thyroidectomy for different indications in Aseer Central Hospital [ACH] during the period from 2000 to 2019. Data extracted throng pre-structured questionnaire including patient's bio-clinical data, preoperative symptoms and complications of the procedure. Results: The study included 150 cases. One hundred and thirteen cases [75.3%] aged above 40 years. The main compliant recorded for the cases was neck swelling which was recorded among 56% of the cases followed with dysphagia. About 91% of the cases recorded post-operative complications. Scar was the most recorded complication followed with hypocalcaemia. Conclusions and recommendations: In conclusion, the study revealed that neck swelling was the most recorded clinical finding with dysphagia. Majority of cases recorded post-operative complications mainly scar and hypocalcaemia.
ÃÂ\roLdectom\ is a type of surgery thatmeans the surgical removal of all or part of the thyroid gland. It usually recommended when a patient has thyroid cancer or some other comorbidity of the thyroid gland including hyperthyroidism or goiter. ÃÂere are many other indications for thyroidectomy including cosmetic in case of much enlarged gland, or obstructive symptoms causing dLÙ¹cultLes in swallowing or breathing. ÃÂere are many complications that recorded on cases with thyroidectomy including: temporary or permanent change in voice, temporary or permanently low calcium, need for lifelong thyroid hormone replacement, bleeding, infection, and the remote possibility of airway obstruction due to bilateral vocal cord paralysis. Complications are uncommon when the surgery is performed by an experienced surgeon. Postoperative hematoma with compressive nature besides acute dyspnea is uncommon but critical complication that may causes long term disability or even death. Many factors were associated with complications including patient-related factors (previous cervical surgery), procedure related factors (lymph-node dissection), thyroid pathology (thyroiditis or cancer), or surgeon experience. ÃÂerefor, most surgeons avoid the procedure due to the mentioned potential complications especially permanent recurrent laryngeal nerve palsy and permanent hyperparathyroidism; subtotal thyroidectomy has been the preferred alternative for benign thyroid disorders. Due to this variety of complications natures and severity, it’ s essential to identify the epidemiology and post-operative complications of total thyroidectomy. ÃÂLs was the main aim of the current research targeting total thyroidectomy surgeries in Aseer Central Hospital, Abha city, Southern of Saudi Arabia.
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Journal of Clinical Trials
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