Effective Homeopathic Cure of Patient with Somatoform Disorder
Somatoform disorder is defined according to (DSM-IV-TR) criteria. Disorders in this category include those where the symptoms suggest a medical condition but where no medical condition can be found by a physician. Patients with a somatoform disorder might experience significant pain without a medical or biological cause. Pain disorder is one of the five somatoform disorders and is considered to have a poor prognosis. It often involves other symptoms such as depression, anxiety and drug abuse. What is somatoform: When physical symptoms are caused by mental or emotional factors it is called somatisation. For example, many people have occasional headaches caused by mental stress. But, stress and other mental health problems can cause many other physical symptoms. For example: chest pains, tiredness, dizziness, back pain, feeling sick, etc.
People with this disorder have many physical symptoms from different parts of the body. For example, headaches, feeling sick, abdominal pain, bowel problems, period problems, tiredness, sexual problems, etc. The main symptoms may vary at different times. Affected people tend to be emotional about their symptoms. So they may describe their symptoms as ‘terrible’, ‘unbearable’, etc., and symptoms can greatly affect day-to-day life. The disorder persists for long-term although the symptoms may wax and wane in severity. The cause or etiology is sometimes unknown. It may have something to do with an unconscious desire for help, attention or care. It runs in some families. The disorder usually first develops between the ages of 18 and 30. Women are affected more than men. |
It is difficult for a doctor to diagnose somatisation disorder. This is because it is difficult to be sure that there is no physical cause for the symptoms. So, people with this disorder tend to be referred to various specialists, have many tests and investigations, but no physical disease is found to account for the symptoms. The patient in this article firstly refers to a cardiologist because of cardiac symptoms and he finds no cardiac symptoms, the specialist refers the patient to a psychiatrist afterward. He orders MRI to rule out physical origin of severe headache in the patient. |
MRI was within normal range and no space occupying lesion was seen in the multiple images. He makes a psychiatric diagnosis of somatoform disorder with deep emotional origin because all previous para-clinical assessments are negative. Thus he gets some medicines like analgesics that have no therapeutic effects on him. He is then referred to the author who does a thorough interview with him and uncovers the main hidden causes of his severe physical symptoms and starts his treatment, afterward. Regards |