Effect of Indrayava (Holarrhena antidysenterica Seed)
Indrayava (Holarrhena antidysenterica seed) has been used in bleeding piles, diarrhea, eczema, fever and colic as per Ayurveda. The folklore use of Indrayava for curing diabetes is reported as taking10 grams of Indrayava soaked overnight in 80 ml of water and then drinking the liquid. The Pharmacological study for anti-diabetic activities and acute toxicological studies of the Indrayava are well documented and LD50 is greater than 3000 mg/kg body weight. We are presenting a case of newly diagnosed diabetes with severe hyperglycemia (Post Prandial blood sugar >500 mg/dl), administrated 10 gm of Indrayava soaked overnight in 80ml water and advised to take water for a period of 48 days in I.P.D. The primary treatment outcomes were reduction of fasting and post prandial blood sugar with glycosylated hemoglobin. There was a reduction of elevated triglyceride level with marked clinical improvement also. There was no change in the pre and post treatment biochemical and hematological safety profile of the patient.
Diabetes is rapidly emerging as a major health care problem in India and the prevalence of type 2 diabetes has increased greatly over the past decade. The average annual direct costs of hospitalized patients are more than double compared to those not hospitalized. Complications of the disease are also responsible for indirect costs in terms of productivity loss and absenteeism.In case of common ailments 35% people prefer allopathic, 48% prefer Ayurveda and 17% prefer homeopathic medicines. 21.5% of the general public has first choice to treat diabetes with Ayurveda . and 73% of diabetic patients prefer effective Ayurveda medicine for their treatment either as food supplements or as herbal drugs. The focus of care for people with diabetes has shifted from specialists to General Practitioners (GPs) to alternative health care practitioners. Information published by the DNA agency reported that Ayurvedic medicines were misleading for diabetic care; “Such medicines are neither effective nor tested by any drug controller”. Hence, it´s not advisable for patients to discontinue their regular medicines and rely on Ayurvedic ones” . On the other hand there is Gymnemasylvestre and herbal formulas Ayush-82 and D-400 thatshowa glucose-lowering effect and deserve further study. Evidence of effectiveness of several other herbs is less extensive (C. tamala, Eugenia jambolana, and Momordicacharantia). Most studies that test herbal therapy indicate that heterogeneity exists in the herbs and formulas tested; more than 44 different interventions are identified with the method of preparation.
Hong Shang
Journal of Traditional Medicine & Clinical Naturopathy